Maureen Hoff

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Dr. Kenneth Noonan: Residual Deformity (Clubfoot Relapse)

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Dr. Kenneth Noonan: Residual Deformity (Clubfoot Relapse) Maureen Hoff

Dr. Kenneth Noonan, Chief of Pediatric Orthopaedics at the American Family Children’s Hospital, discusses clubfoot relapse, and explains why he prefers the term residual deformity to relapse. Dr. Noonan explains why and how residual deformities occur, how he treats them, and if it is possible for parents to help prevent it. Dr. Noonan then answers questions that came specifically from the listeners about this topic, which is a first for the podcast. With my cutie recently turning four, relapse is always on my mind, and this episode was supremely helpful in my understanding and I am certain it will for you as well.

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